Edible Landscaping |
by Theresa C. Chirico |
Healthy fresh tortoise foods are in abundance everywhere - you just need to know what to look for. This list is intended to serve as a guide to identifying natural foods, as easy and painlessly as possible. Remember to use only plants and grasses from chemical free sources. The following plants have been cross-referenced with various sources including the links at the bottom of this page. Key:
Sp.= species Spp= multiple
species L= Leaves F= Flowers FR= Fruit S= Stems R= Root
The plants with * beside it, are known to be some of healthier choices. * High in Oxalic Acid * Glucosinolates/Goitrogens *Phytic Acid *purines * Tannins * Protein = Should be fed sparingly --------------------- ~~ Native food source for African species ~~ Native food source for Gopherus agassizi SUCCULENTS:
Abutilon -
Aeonium *Agave - Spp. -Leaves; Flowers- (all) Albuca ~~Aloe Vera-Leaves; Flowers - (all) Amarican Aloe Spp. *Begonias Echeveria Spp. Haworthia reinwardtii (very slow growing) Hens & chickens Sempervivum tectorum Hens & chicks E. cheveria Spp. Ice plants (Mesembryanthemaceae family) ~~Kalanchoe Spp. Live-forever- Orphine (Sedum purpureum) Mimulus F Aurantica ~~Opuntias Spp. ~~Portulaca Sedum Spp. Spiderwort- Tradescantia pinetorum,occidentalis Tradescantia crassula Link & Otto Yucca (Yucca species) Tradescantia (wandering jew) Desert Rose (Adenium obesum) TREES AND BUSHES:
Edible Shrubs -
Plants for a Future
Two Rainy Side Gardeners *Banana leaves- Leaves; Fruit- aurea (golden bamboo or fishpole bamboo). Fig Tree leaves-Leaves; Fruit - Moraceae Forsythia - Oleaceae Guava Tree - Leaves - Psidium guajava Heather - Ericaceae ~~ *Hibiscus - rosa-sinensis Leaves; Flowers- Hibiscus syriacus Maple - Acer saccharum Mimosa - Desmanthus illinoensis ~~ *Mulberry Tree-(all) L/ FR ~~Muhly - Sporobolus asperifolius Black variety "Morus nigra" White variety "Morus alba" Paper mulberry - Moraceae - L/F/FR Sage- Sea Grape- Tea Tree- Lepta Spermum Scoperium L/F Tumbleweed - Salsola kali aka Russian Thistle Hibiscus syriacus or Shrub Althea (Rose of Sharon) Loquat bush - Eriobotrya japonica Willow - Salicaccae family - Ssp. CULTIVATED PLANTS: Arctotis (African daisy) COMMON WEEDS:
Alfalfa (Medicago sativia)
Common name index of
Grasses & Grasslike Plants
AFRICAN GRASSES USED IN THE UNITED STATES African Grasses ~~ Barnyardgrass - Echinochloa crus-galli Bentgrasses Agrostis spp. ~~Bermuda - Cynodon dactylon Bluegrass, annual - Poa annua ~~Blue grama - Bouteloua gracilis Big Bluestem - andropogon gerardi ~~Brome ~~ Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secondatum) ~~ Buffelgrass, Cenchrus ciliaris L. Canarygrass, littleseed Phalaris minor Chufa, or Yellow Nut Grass Cyperus esculentus ~~ Couchgrass - Agropyon repens ~~ Crabgrass- Digitaria sanguinalis Fescue, Tall - Festuca arundinacea Fescue, Blue - festuca glauca Goosegrass- Eleusine indica Indian Ricegrass (Oryzopsis hymenoides) ~~ Kikuyugrass - Pennisetum clandestinum ~~Kleingrass, Panicum coloratum L. ~~ Napiergrass, Pennisetum purpureum Oatgrass - *Orchard- Dactylis glomerata Pampasgrass - Cortaderia selloana **~~Pearl Millet - Pennisetum glaucum ~~ Pangolagrass, Digitaria decumbens Peppergrass - Lepidium spp. Quackgrass- Agropyron repens *Rye - Sesame grass - Tripsacum dactyloides St. Agustine Sweet vernal grass - Anthoxanthum odoratum Timothy- Phleum pratense Trefoil Vetch Wild oats - Avena fatua Witchgrass- Panicum capillare L. ~~ Weeping lovegrass, Eragrostis curvula FERNS: Asperagus Fern -
Asperagus setaceus plumosis VINES:
Grape vines - Concord Vitis spp.
*Russian vines ~~*Tradescantia (wandering jew) - Tradescantia albiflora - L/F Honeysuckle- L/F - Lonicera interrupta / Lonicera japonica/ Lonicera periclymenum & caprifolium Creeping Charlie- Pilea nummulariifolia Climbing Nasturtium Creeping jenny -Lysimachia nummlaria Ground ivy - Glechoma hederacea Sweedish Ivy - Plectranthus australis - L/F Wild muscadine - Vitis rotundifolia Kudzu - Puerrrraria lobata PLANT NUTRITIONAL RESOURCES ON THE WEB: Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases: http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/plants.htmlSearch The USDA Nutrient Database For Standard Reference -Nutrient Data Laboratory: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases High-Low Chemical query - http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/highchem.html Tortoise Diet Information - http://www.tortoise.org/general/tntdiet.html NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS OF FOODS COMMONLY EATEN BY CAPTIVE DESERT TORTOISES http://www.tortoise.org/general/tntdiet.html#common Calcium Oxalate Content of Selected Iguana Foods- Melissa Kaplan: http://www.sonic.net/~melissk/cal_ox.html Nutritional Analysis Of The Major Foods Of Tthe Desert Tortoise In Arizona And Utah: http://www.tortoise.org/general/tntdiet.html#wilddiet Nutrient analysis of replacement tortoise foods - Darrell Senneke's Hatchling Haven: http://home.earthlink.net/~rednine/nutrient.htm Fruit Nutrient Composition- http://nutrition.about.com/health/nutrition/library/foodfind/blfruit.htm?iam =dpile&terms=Forage+Nutrient+Analyses Serrins Chiropractic Page Nutritional information on Organic vs. Nonorganic grown vegetables http://www.serrins.com/organic.html Oxbow Pet Products - Nutritional Articles - http://www.oxbowhay.com/haythere.html Nutrition Hay, Look Me Over � 1997, By Karen Briggs -http://www.thehorse.com/current/hay0897.html Ten Year Average Analyses of Alberta Feeds 1984 - 1994: http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/livestock/feed/#byproduct Wild Edible Plant Nutrition (per 100 grams) http://www.edibleplants.com/wepnut_frames.htm Oxalate Content of Raw Vegetables http://www.magpage.com/~laurat/petbunny/oxveggie.html The Fruit Pages - Sugar in fruit, calories and the burning process. http://www.thefruitpages.com/sugar.shtml Sugar and Acid Content in Fruit http://www.brewery.org/brewery/library/SugAcid.html OTHER EXCELLENT PLANT
LINKS: Weed Identification Guide http://www.ppws.vt.edu/weedindex.htm USDA Plant Database - http://plants.usda.gov The GardenWeb Glossary of Botanical Terms currently contains 4400 terms relating to botany, gardening, horticulture and landscape architecture and is regularly updated. The HortiPlex database contains plant data as well as links to information sources, images and vendors at other sites. HortiPlex TAMU-BWG Digital Library - Vascular Plant Images Edible Plant List - Nutrition Composition of Edible Ornamental Plants Melissa Kaplan Use of Ornamental Plants in Herp Enclosures and as Food - Melissa Kaplan Wisconsin State Herbarium plant search engine CalFlora -Database of plant pictures Plants for a future - Resource and information center for edible and other useful plants Texas A&M University - Vascular Plant image Gallery Rutgers Cooperative Extension - Weed Pictures! Edible Wild Plants of the Yard - http://www.edibleplants.com/dwvplants.htm#yard Association of Collegiate Branches of the American Society for Horticultural Science. The Gatherer Plant Use Multiple Database Search Engine - http://www.kippewa-gardens.com/cgi-bin/Gatherer.pl CalFlora -A botanical resource for California on the internet Gardening.com- Plant Enclyclopedia ( zone planting information) Virtual Garden - Time-Life Plant Encyclopedia -Searchable database contains almost 3,000 species The ISU Weed Biology Library The New York Botanical Garden ASHS/ACB Plant List http://www.hort.wisc.edu/hort233/plant_list.htm Royal Botanical Gardens Kew - Grasses Database Photo Herbarium - Contains pictures of many plants that are common to North America. Interesting cactus article: http://www.sfc.ucdavis.edu/pubs/brochures/pricklypear.html Plant image gallery - http://plants.usda.gov/plants/gallery.html http://www.hort.wisc.edu/hort233/plant_list.htm Virginia Tech Weed Identification Guide- http://www.ppws.vt.edu/weedindex.htm WEED IDENTIFICATION- http://www.ppws.vt.edu/newss/weedid.htm Botanical.com - http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/mgmh.html Henriette's Herbal Homepage - http://www.ibiblio.org/herbmed/ |